Thursday, March 21, 2013

Trust in God

Enoch trusted God.  He was taken into heaven and never died.

Noah trusted God.  He and his family were the only survivors when God destroyed the world in a great flood.

Abraham trusted God.  He was given a child though his wife was barren, and he became the father of many nations.

Jacob trusted God.  He saw angels ascending and descending a ladder between heaven and earth.

Joseph trusted God.  He went from being in prison to ruling over Egypt in one day.

Moses trusted God.  He parted the Red Sea with his staff, and left Egypt utterly defeated.

Joshua trusted God.  The walls of Jericho came crumbling down.

Gideon trusted God.  He defeated armies of tens of thousands with only 300 men.

Hannah trusted God.  Though barren, God gave her a son, and he became the prophet and leader of all Israel.

David trusted God.  As a boy he slew a giant, and he became the greatest king in Israel's history.

Elijah trusted God.  He called fire down from heaven and slew the prophets of Baal.

Elisha trusted God.  An entire army of Syria was struck with blindness, and he led the blind army into Israel's capital.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego trusted God.  They walked with the Son of God in a blazing furnace.

Daniel trusted God.  He interpreted the king's dreams and was raised to ruler over Babylon and chief of wise men.

Esther trusted God.  She became queen of Persia and saved her people from annihilation.

Jesus trusted God.  He turned water into wine, drove out evil spirits, brought in huge catches of fish, fasted for 40 days, resisted Satan's temptation, opposed the religious rulers of that time, fed 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish, walked on water, healed a woman of her bleeding condition, raised three people from the dead, calmed storms, brought money out of a fish's mouth, withered a fig tree, restored a withered hand, gave sight to the blind, gave hearing to the deaf, healed a servant from miles away, healed lepers, caused a paralytic to carry his mat, saved an adulterous woman from death, predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, taught with the greatest wisdom the world has ever seen, let Himself suffer and be hung on a cross to atone for the sin of all mankind, rose from the dead, appeared to many people after having resurrected, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven.

And Jesus said, "whoever believes in Me will do the works I have done, and he will do greater works than these."

The story has just begun.  My message to you is simple: Trust in God.  There are many things yet to happen.  God is still writing an epic novel, and you, Christian, are in it.

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About Me

Unimpressive in person. But always praying that these letters I write will be weighty and forceful. I serve the Almighty as a servant of Christ. I strive to conquer hearts and minds with the word of God. I am nothing, but the Holy Spirit living inside me is omnipotent. By Him I can run and not grow weary, or walk and not be faint. All glory and honor be to God and to Jesus the Christ.