Saturday, April 16, 2011

Alive and Strong

Its far too easy for people to go about a "normal" life.  Through this process of living normal the soul dies slowly.  Its the same stuff every day.  Its stuff that any contemplative man would realize is completely meaningless.  Everything in and of the world is going to pass away, just like the world and every occupant of it.  Break the cycle of monotonous normality!  Find life!  I can speak as someone who has experience, there is life to be found.  A person can have a heart that burns with passion.  A person can be a fearless fighter, with words like a sword and eyes to set mountains on fire.  A person can be strong like titanium and immovable like Mount Everest.  This life and strength can be found in Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the only name by which a man can find life and know the truth, and be filled with joy, passion, love, righteous character, and all other good things.  Jesus Christ truly is the source of the most amazing virtues rising up inside a man.  Where there is life and passion and strength there is the Holy Spirit, from the One True God.

This is a must for anyone professing to be a Christian.  Its far too easy to pretend to be a Christian and not even know what the word means.  Its far too easy to be "normal", sit beside other "normal Christians" in church and not realize the whole place is dead.  Don't do it!  If you have to, be the only one in your church that actually knows what it means to be a Christian and live as one.  Let them say what they want.  They can say you're "self-righteous".  They can call you a Puritan or any other names.  It won't matter because the solid truth is in you, and this truth is weightier than any words of men.  They won't move you one inch.  Stand there and be a Christian!  Be alive and passionate!  Be obsessive and extremely devoted!  There is no book of limitations on these virtues.  If you have to, speak what you know to be true, when you know it needs to be said, even when you're speaking to people with more age than you.  God will accomplish His purpose, and will renew the Church.  The only question is whether you'll be working with Him, or setting on the sidelines to appease the other bench-warmers (pew-warmers).

To avoid this ill fate the answer is very simple.  Get on your knees and beg the Lord to show you grace.  Beg for Him to pour out His Spirit on you, and keep praying every time you think of it.  And mean it.  Then read the Bible so that you will find His answer.  He will show you, just as clear as the morning sun, what the truth is, and what your purpose in life is.  He will fill you with wisdom and everything you need.  Why would you want to be a dead man pretending to live?  Why would you want to have a cold heart, setting inside a normal life, when you can truly live and be extraordinary?  God gives life, and will make anyone who puts their faith in Him to be an extraordinary man or woman.

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About Me

Unimpressive in person. But always praying that these letters I write will be weighty and forceful. I serve the Almighty as a servant of Christ. I strive to conquer hearts and minds with the word of God. I am nothing, but the Holy Spirit living inside me is omnipotent. By Him I can run and not grow weary, or walk and not be faint. All glory and honor be to God and to Jesus the Christ.