Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Stupidity of Modern Christianity

To think that the Christian Church somehow needs to adapt to an increasingly 'modern' world is the most bogus idea alive. Besides the fact that what people call 'modern' has been around for all of recorded history, the Christian Church exists to change the world, not to become changed by the world. And to get an idea of the extent to which we are called to not be worldly, just look at Jesus' words. In John 15:19 he says "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world. That is why the world hates you." If you are worldly then you are not Christian, and you will not-cannot-ever enter heaven. You will remain in the world even as it is consumed by fire. That is something that the 'modern Christians' need to realize. If you change the definition of Christian, divorcing it from the Bible, then you are no longer a Christian. You are leaving behind any promise God gives whenever you leave behind any command God gives. That includes the promise of eternal life.

I'm going to continue with one of my favorite quotes by one of my favorite 'mere Christians'. That being what CS Lewis said: "Christianity is a fighting religion". Absolutely right he is! Christianity fights and destroys every pretense that sets itself up against it (which also makes being a Christian rather fun). We, Christians, have been given the truth. Not only have we been given the truth, but we have also been given evidence, reason, and many other weapons to fight with. To be shy with those weapons would be just absurd. Paul was never shy about fighting lies, for everytime he preached Luke said he "spoke boldly". God does not want us to sit on our weapons, or to shy away from combat with the thought that we're somehow being nice. How is it nice to remain silent when you know someone is going to hell? No! You tell them they're going to hell. That's the nicest thing you can do. And be bold so that we do win the fight. God will certainly win the fight. The only question is: Are we on the winning side, the losing side, or the side that gets whipped for being lazy? I choose to side with God simply because I know he will win the fight and crush all his enemies. And that means that I'm called to battle. Battle what? Lies like those you find in the so called 'modern Christianity'.

Some have been inclined to say that homosexuality is not a sin. According to the Bible, this could not be further from the truth. In Genesis 'God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve', as some have said. In Leviticus there are the words: "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." In Matthew 19:4 Jesus reiterates the design of his Father for marriage. And in Romans 1:26-27 Paul equates homosexuality with the highest level of sin. You just cannot believe that homosexuality is not a sin and believe the Bible at the same time. And if you don't believe the Bible, then you've lost all credible basis for believing in God (I've written elsewhere as to why the Bible is the only credible source for metaphysical truth).

Another 'modern' idea is the idea that women should have equal authority with men, in the family, in church, in politics, whatever. There is good reason, entirely outside of the Bible, why this is an unproductive idea. I'm going to focus on the Bible, however, since my note is directed at those that profess to be Christian. The Bible tells us that the Church of Christ is the Bride of Christ, and that Jesus is the Head of the Church, just as the Church is the Body of Christ. The marriage between a man and a woman then gives us a picture of the union between men and God. Could it be, then, that there is good reason that God does not want this picture to become distorted? And as a matter of pure fact, we have both Paul and Peter in the Bible telling us that man is the head of woman, and that a wife must submit to her husband. I've heard people try to explain these passages away, but the real reason, and only reason, that they're there is because the marriage is a picture of the union between men and God. Maybe its not coincidence, then, that the same people who have accepted feminism have also treated God as though he is not sovereign over their lives. Some have even gone so far as to say, or suggest, that God is not male but female. Who knows, maybe they pray 'Our Mother who art in heaven'. The bottom line is that God reveals himself as Father and Son, both being male. We could discuss the theological question of what God is exactly (Scripture says "God is spirit"), but there is no question that he has revealed himself as 'He'.

Finally, these 'moderns' have called into question things that there is no reason to question (for anyone that believes the Bible atleast). Some have questioned the virgin birth. Some have questioned the resurrection of Christ and the final resurrection. Some have questioned the miracles. All of these things are clearly in the Bible, and if a person is going to believe the Bible, given that the Bible consistently affirms the Bible, then that person has to believe the whole Bible. I'm not saying that every word, or number, has to be believed or taken literally, but the things made clear by Scripture (and there are many things made clear by Scripture) must be believed. For example: if a person believes in a supernatural God, as the Bible describes, then why would that person not believe in miracles, as the Bible describes. If a person doesn't believe in a supernatural God, then what kind of god does he believe? A pretty lousy god, I would say. And I wouldn't be shy about rubbing it in that person's face that my omnipotent God could kick his god around like a balloon (if his god were even real, that is). Or the resurrection: Paul says that if Christ has not risen then all we have done has been done in vain. It would be better to simply be an Atheist than to be a "Christian" that believes Christ didn't rise from the dead. Either way you're going to hell. It makes much more sense to believe the Bible (with all the evidence that supports its truthfulness), read the Bible, understand the Bible and believe all it says. Beyond that its just a whole lot more fun (I think there was even a study that showed 'evangelical Christians' are on average happier than 'modern Christians').

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About Me

Unimpressive in person. But always praying that these letters I write will be weighty and forceful. I serve the Almighty as a servant of Christ. I strive to conquer hearts and minds with the word of God. I am nothing, but the Holy Spirit living inside me is omnipotent. By Him I can run and not grow weary, or walk and not be faint. All glory and honor be to God and to Jesus the Christ.